Travel Guide of the City and Region
Located in Rua Miguel Bombarda, Galeria Quadrado Azul has been exploring and promoting modern and contemporary art since 1986, being one of the first exhibition spaces in the city. Given the current artistic situation, the gallery endeavours to highlight the visibility of Portuguese and foreign artists. However, it is essential to highlight that Quadrado Azul has represented, in particular, young artists who have just left the Faculty of Fine Arts of Porto.
The gallery name is curious, having its origins in the artwork edited by Almada Negreiros with Amadeo de Souza Cardoso, K4 O Quadrado Azul. You could not have chosen a better futuristic piece of art to name the gallery! Among other protagonists, names such as Álvaro Lapa, Ana León, Eduardo Arroyo, Lindström and Artur Barrio have already taken part in the gallery. Exhibitions usually last for about 1-2 months.
Open Monday to Saturday from 3 pm to 7 pm. Free entry.