Top things to do in Porto

Travel Guide of the City and Region

S. Gonçalo

Restaurant | €

On the the Douro River Banks, in Vila Nova de Gaia, the restaurant S. Gonçalo is the ideal place for all who seek the simple comfort of exquisite flavors.

With the average price of €12.50 per person, the gastronomy is traditional, in a familiar, pleasant and intimate atmosphere of informal and friendly service.

The dishes vary between meat, fish, salads and snacks, with specialties such as “Dourada Escalada” (golden climbing), “camarão tigre grelhado com batata frita e salada” (grilled tiger shrimp) or a "grelhada mista com acompanhamento” (mixed meat grilled), always focusing on customer satisfaction.

  • Vila Nova de Gaia
  • Local


Av. de Diogo Leite 144, Vila Nova de Gaia

22 379 6669

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